

A Decade in Remote Patient Monitoring

A decade in remote patient monitoring - MyVitalz


MyVitalz’ RPM technology provides sustainable predictive, useful, and timely exchange of actionable health data between the patient and their health care Team.

We utilize connected Bluetooth and/or cellular medical devices, including medication adherence, to assess a patient’s current medical condition and compliance. We pair those physiologic readings with PHQ-9, GAD-7, DLA-20 mental health, behavioral health, and well-being surveys to gain valuable insight into a patient’s overall health and its’ influencing factors. Our reports, both fixed and custom population health, complement our CPT “Charge Capture”, calendar, and dashboards.

Leveraging the versatility of our contemporary APIs, we efficiently synchronize patient readings from our advanced Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) system with industry-leading Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, such as EPIC and OCHIN, in near real-time. Simultaneously, we facilitate the seamless transfer of patient orders from these EHR systems into our own, thus establishing an efficient, bi-directional flow of critical healthcare data (this is optional and at additional cost).

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Operational Support Solutions

Phone: 402.676-7464

Primary Contact

Justus M. Decher, President

16359 Lothrop Circle. Omaha, NE 68116


Medicare Business Case and Reimbursement
Medicaid State Reimbursement