Through the hard work of our members, NHA was able to help pass LB 227, which provides hospitals a per diem rate for patients who no longer meet hospital level of care and are unable to be appropriately discharged to a hospital. NHA remains happy to serve our hospital's needs.
As a result of LB227’s passage in the 2023 Nebraska Legislative Session, Nebraska Revised Statute 68-1009 (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 68-1009) was enacted. This statute provides Medicaid reimbursement to acute care hospitals at one hundred percent (100%) of the statewide average nursing facility per diem rate for individuals who are actively Medicaid eligible during an inpatient stay. These individuals no longer require acute inpatient care and require discharge to a nursing facility for further care. If the individual cannot be discharged due to the conditions noted within Neb. Rev. Stat. § 68-1009, hospitals enrolled in Nebraska Medicaid at the time services are provided are eligible for the 100% statewide average nursing facility per diem payment.